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You have 31 photos in your lightbox.

XChaco Chachalaca (#13937) by Bob Gress

XSilver-beaked Tanager (#3198) by Bob Gress

XBlack-backed Sibia (#11258) by Bob Gress

XSpangle-cheeked Tanager (#3571) by Bob Gress

XSay's Phoebe (#15804) by Bob Gress

XOlive Warbler (#15785) by Bob Gress

XAmerican Redstart (#2944) by Bob Gress

XThick-billed Saltator (#16110) by Bob Gress

XCommon Grackle (#15844) by Bob Gress

XGreat Blue Heron (#1642) by Bob Gress

XPinyon Jay (#2640) by Bob Gress

XPurple Martin (#11566) by Bob Gress

XVelvet-fronted Nuthatch (#11444) by Bob Gress

XCassin's Kingbird (#15730) by Bob Gress

XMcCown's Longspur (#4639) by Bob Gress

XBohemian Waxwing (#16501) by Judd Patterson

XMacGillivray's Warbler (#15767) by Bob Gress

XCoastal Miner (#9293) by Bob Gress

XCitrine Wagtail (#11241) by Bob Gress

XBushtit (#16920) by Bob Gress

XHenslow's Sparrow (#14811) by David Seibel

XAmerican Woodcock (#15713) by Bob Gress

XMexican Jay (#16934) by Bob Gress

XGolden-winged Warbler (#15074) by Bob Gress

XEurasian Blackbird (#13671) by Bob Gress

XCape May Warbler (#14261) by Judd Patterson

XIndigo Bunting (#15869) by Bob Gress

XRed-faced Warbler (#15797) by Bob Gress

XPurple Martin (#15855) by Bob Gress

XWilson's Warbler (#16443) by Judd Patterson

XCanada Warbler (#15061) by Bob Gress

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